세인트 원
القديس رقم واحد
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SANTO ONE is a multidisciplinary artist working and living in Toronto.
Altares can be a portal between this world and the one both after and before. A connection to the ancestors and a site of reverence for their sacrifice. A physical point of reverence for the gift of life and death that is rooted in all things natural. My Altares are iconically Xicano and purposefully political in the act of paying respect to not just our kin, but the communal, local and nation ancestors who died to improve our quality of life; Revolutionary heroes and natural forces.
My murales can be public, private, communal or personal but are united in scale and purpose. To give a grandness and power to symbols and imagery that communities want to see reflected in themselves. In a world largely undecided by us, murals offer a more democratic vision of our landscape.
My illustrations are a collection of works created in the service of activists, organizations, cultural events, radical publishers, local musicians, poets and more.